Star Maps Of The Northern Hemisphere 50 lattitude

Monthly Star Map 

 Monthly Star Map May

Monthly Star Map Mai Monthly Star Map Mai

The Star Constellations in May

At Midnight the Herkules, the Northern Crown (Corona Borealis) and Bootes stand high above your head. When you see these three star constellation the summer will come soon.  The Ophiuchus carries the serpent. At the horizon the Skorpion shows the red Antares. Lyra is a constellation you cannot find so easily in a city. The next constellations are the Corvus, the cup and the hydra. The Swan, the Eagle and the Lyra in the east are lying in the milky way. Near Deneb, the brightest star of the Swan, you find Lacerta

In the North Cepheus, Cassiopeia, Perseus and near the horizon Auriga. and the twins. The Lion has wandered in the west and as well the Constellation Cancer. The Great Bear, the Little Bear and the Dragon are to be seen in the North.

The time printed on the map is MEZ: European Central Time. MESZ: European Central Summer Time. 

Planets in May

Wait A Little and you will see the Planets In a Fiew Months

Saturn can be found in the morning at dawn in the morning. Jupiter will reach his conjunction in June an is not to be seen. Neptun and Uranus are not observable in May. You can find Mars in the Morning. Wait until Autum to see the red planet.  You cannot find Venus. Merkury will be seen in the East. The Morning light will avoid a chance to see Merkur.

My Book "Astronomie der Jahrhunderte - eine Wissenschaft und ihre Philosophie" has not been translated into English. You find the book on my German site.

The Solar Eclipse in America was a wonderfull thing to look at. You can see it at Nasa in a live stream.

Will we see a solar eclipe on every planet. We will only see a solar eclipse on Earth. The distance of the Moon and his dimater fits ecactly the diameter of the sun. 

During totality you see the corona and the red protuberances. It is dark and cool and you feel the wind.  At the end of totality you see a dimond ring. And the Moon wanders and fee give the sun free.

Quarter Moon 2024.05-15

Quarter Moon Quarter Moon